Thursday, January 30, 2014

Update 8

Update on Nate.8

Hello everyone,

We are not going to NYC today but will go up there on Tuesday. Nate made it through his surgery on Tuesday and was in a bit of pain as expected but slept fairly well last night. Today he had his dialysis, and then was released. He was able to get rid of another 6 pounds of fluid and looks a little thinner, but not by much. Now we begin his out-patient dialysis on MWF. He is now taking a lot of medicines, some to counter the effects of others… maybe many of you who have been through similar treatments know the medicine game… it would be so nice not to have to be on so many medicines but that is what is going on now. He still has quite a bit of extra weight and it would be great to see that be reduced as well. It is so good to have him home and we are so thankful not to be driving back and forth to the hospital and dealing with various hospital dramas. Many of you have offered to help out if we have any needs… as we get into a routine for dialysis, we may be calling upon some of you for transportation one way or the other.

As for how Nate is feeling these days. He has shared that he is thinking about how his days at school will go… getting around to classes, carrying all his pills with him and taking them at the right times, packing his lunch and being mindful of what he can eat and when,  how his energy level will be, and just his overall cognitive performance before and after dialysis. We will all have to adjust to a “new normal”, it is just that the majority of the adjustments will be on Nate.

Well, that’s about it for now… the link at the bottom of this page contains all of the updates prior to this one. Thanks for your prayers as we enter this new phase of Nate’s treatments. We cherish you emails and texts to us letting us know of your thoughts and prayers. God is good and has provided for us in many ways this past week. Hope you have likewise experienced God’s presence in new ways as you have spoken to God on our behalf. Thanks again, and keep up the faith.



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